Game Mods
This section of my portfolio contains content I've created as a user for existing games. I am not the copyright holder of these games or their content, and have only made user content. All rights belong to their respective owner(s).
Hello Neighbor Custom Level
Level Design | PC | Sandbox | 2021
This mod project was done as part of a design test in the job application process for Tiny Build. For this test assignment the requirement was to build a custom level using the Hello Neighbor Mod Kit, the objective for the player is to steal 4 objects. It had to be made clear to the player what 4 objects they needed without any voice over or on screen text. So I decided to make a door with four locks on it and is marked with an exit sign. The idea I went with for the level is some sort of police station-esque building, where the player starts in the front lobby. The neighbor can make his way in there, but as long as the player is standing on the green-blue carpet they are safe. The level features a few different themed rooms like a locker room, interrogation room, evidence lock-up, break room, and an outdoor area. I initially designed the basic layout of the level on paper, and put the objectives on pieces of sticky notes so I could move them around when iterating. As part of the assignment you were allowed (and encouraged) to design and add your own mechanics where needed for the level. So I decided to add a basic puzzle where the player needs to find a gun to shoot a big button with it to unlock a door. This mechanic is used in two places in the level, right in front of the player when finding the gun, and in a later part of the level to unlock the jail cells to acquire the last key. You can try out this custom level by downloading it by clicking the Mod Download button. Note: The mod requires owning the Hello Neighbor game on PC.
Final paper version of the level
Buttons the player can shoot to open the gates behind the window/in the jail cell
Video walkthrough of the finished level in Hello Neighbor