Game Mods
This section of my portfolio contains content I've created as a user for existing games. I am not the copyright holder of these games or their content, and have only made fan/user content. All rights belong to their respective owner(s).
Character mods (Model editing and skinning)
For character mods I have taken existing 3D models and edited them to fit to existing character rigs, after which I have skinned them to these existing rigs. All of these mods were made for the PC version of the respective games only.
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - 3D character mods:
Rachael Foley Costume Pack
Three Rachael costumes replacing Claire. The costumes have working facial animations (excluding Rachael Ooze) and all costumes have cutscene support.
The models needed to be skinned to the Revelations 2 character rig, which is a regular T-Pose rig. For this 3DS Max 2012 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. |
Tofu from Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Tofu replaces HUNK. The model was skinned in a way so that Tofu's "body" is skinned to the spine bones and to one of the legs so that it looks like Tofu is "hopping around" when walking.
The models needed to be skinned to the RE:Revelations 2 character rig, which is a regular T-Pose rig. For the skinning 3DS Max 2012 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. |