Game Mods
This section of my portfolio contains content I've created as a user for existing games. I am not the copyright holder of these games or their content, and have only made fan/user content. All rights belong to their respective owner(s).
Character mods (Model editing and skinning)
For character mods I have taken existing 3D models and edited them to fit to existing character rigs, after which I have skinned them to these existing rigs. All of these mods were made for the PC version of the respective games only.
Resident Evil 2 Remake - 3D Character Mods:
Leon's Ugly Holiday Sweater - Dead By Daylight model
For the extra festivities this Holiday season appropriate apparel is required: Ugly Sweaters.
My good friend and fellow modder ZombieAli provided me with the models and textures of this costume. For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually edited the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. |
RE4 jacket Leon - Dead by Daylight model
With the release of the Resident Evil chapter for Dead by Daylight they added a new version of Leon's iconic RE4 look where he sports the brown leather jacket. it was highly requested to have this model be put in the RE2Remake, so my good friend and fellow modder ZombieAli provided me with the models and textures of this costume.
The mod has two versions, one with the RE4 style hair (also from DBD) and one with his default hair from RE2R. For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually edited the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. I skinned the hair by transferring the weights from the Dead by Daylight rig to the RE2R rig using skin utilities, allowing it to maintain the original skinning from DBD. |
Assignment Ada REimagined - RE4 Inspired costume
Replacing Ada's red dress and wounded variant of the red dress with a reimagined version of her "Assignment Ada" costume from Resident Evil 4.
I had the idea of trying to create a reimagined version of Ada's costume from Assignment Ada out of other costumes from RE Engine games. I didn't want to port the original model from RE4 because I wanted a model that matches the high fidelity of RE2R. Models I used for this: Holster/Vest/stomach/lower half of shirt - Military Claire Pants - Noir Claire Shirt/Arms/Gloves/belts on body armor - STARS Jill Boots - Classic Jill Utility Belt - RE3 NPC Cop Turtle neck addition to the shirt - REsistance Wastelander Jill Leg harness - RE7/RE:Verse Chris The mod affects Dress Ada and Injured Ada. Ada's trench coat outfit isn't affected. The models were all combined in 3DS Max 2014, I also used 3DS Max 2014 to transfer all of these models onto the same character rig using the "Skin Utilities" tools. Manual adjustments and fixes were made using the Skin modifier. The skeleton for this mod was adjusted so that the holster on the leg actually holds the gun when holstered, instead of being a holster under the armpit. There's three versions of this mod, one with belts on the bulletproof vest and one without them. Third version is with the belts and turns the shirt into a turtleneck. The fourth version takes the Turtleneck + belts version and adds extra pouches and leg straps to make the overall costume even closer to the original from RE4 it is based on. |
3DS Max view (Full Gear version, V2.0)
Vergil from Devil May Cry 5
Replace Leon's Jacket costume with Vergil in his coat from Devil May Cry 5.
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model and skeleton to this bind pose, the model needed to be transferred from the DMCV skeleton to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin utilities" tools. Some manual adjustments had to be made to the skin weights, as the skeletons didn't match between RE2R and DMCV. For this mod I included more than just the model, this model has some special features: - Replace the unbreakable knife with the Yamato - Custom animation for swinging the Yamato - Full facial animations - Hair physics - Coat physics - Wetmasks for wet effects when having been in water/the rain - Custom animations for model viewer - Custom voicelines (provided by @EventideShine on Twitter) - Compatibility with other costumes - Additional text edits included in the mod This mod started as a commission but is available publicly. |
Alex Wesker from Resident Evil Revelations 2
Replace Elza Walker costume for Claire with Alex Wesker from Resident Evil: Revelations 2.
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. mod features: - full facial animations - hair physics - wetmasks for wet effects when having been in water/the rain This mod is a commission and is not publicly available |
HUNK from Resident Evil: Revelations
Replaces Leon's police costume with HUNK from Resident Evil: Revelations. HUNK is already in RE2Remake, however the design in Revelations 1 is different from the RE2R design.
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually edited the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Later I made a version to also work for HUNK and the Forgotten soldier. for this I had to slightly edit the model to work with HUNK's neck and I had to transfer the model to HUNK's skeleton. I transferred the model to HUNK's skeleton by using the Skin Utilities tool in 3ds Max 2014 |
Classic Annette Birkin
This mod aimed to recreate Annette from the original RE2 from 1998 for the remake. For this I worked with the textures from the 1998 game to get the colors for the clothes as closely as possible by editing the textures for Annette in Photoshop. I used Annette's hair mesh from Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles and improved the model and increased the polygon count, I recreated the texture for the hair by using the remake's hair texture as a base
After recreating the hair model model it needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually edited the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. |
Super Tyrant Uroboros Wesker
I created this mod to be used in combination with the Uroboros Wesker mod that replaces Mr. X. Just like that mod I replaced audio files for the Super Tyrant to give Wesker voicelines from RE5. This mod was inspired by artwork from the mobile game "TEPPEN" which has Wesker in his coat with Uroboros on his arm too.
For this mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake, but I also had to combine the mutated arm into one model and combine the model with the body model. This process also required texture editting and UV mapping. After adjusting the model to the RE2 bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Coat physics - Voice lines these were taken from RE5, and edited in Premiere Pro CS6 and Audacity (To mod them into RE2R, WWise was used to convert audio files to the correct format) - Mutated tentacle arm skinned to Mr. X's arm so it is correctly animated |
Guardian of Time outfit from Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors is a game I thoroughly enjoyed, and my favorite costume in the game is the Guardian of Time outfit for Cia and Lana. So I decided to port that costume over to RE2R giving Kattherine, Ada, and Claire this costume
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. The "tails" of the dress were skinned to the bones of Ada's trenchcoat model, which has very exaggerated physics. I chose to mod this model over the coat for this reason, as the Guardian of Time outfit has similar physics in Hyrule Warriors |
D.Va in her Meka from Overwatch
This mod replaces the Elza Walker outfit with D.Va from Overwatch riding in her Meka suit. To create this mod it was made in two parts, the Meka and D.Va herself. The mod was a request after posting the Helena & Deborah mod.
The mod was created in a similar way as the Helena & Deborah mod, the Meka was fitted to the legs of the original costume, and the top half of the Meka was fitted to a single bone of the skeleton. To get D.Va matching I posed her using the original character bones into the pose she is lying in inside of the Meka in Overwatch. With the model posed in the right position I converted it to a single model and skinned it to the same bone as the top half of the Meka. The Meka model is so big, it blocks the camera. To make the game be playable with this model I recommend using a trainer to alter the camera position and FOV. |
Helena Harper carrying Deborah Harper from Resident Evil 6
This mod replaces the Elza Walker outfit with Helana Harper carrying her sister Deborah Harper, this mod was based on a segment from Resident Evil 6 where Helena carries her sister. Unlike the RE6 segment where the player cannot use guns, here the player can. on top of that, this time Deborah is the one using guns. To create this mod it was made in two parts, the two sisters each being one part.
The model for both sisters was fitted to the to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the models to the bind pose, the models needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Initially the model was both sisters in one model, but I ran into issues, so I had to get creative. By replacing another part of the original character I was able to have two characters using the body animations. Helena uses the waist down and legs, and Deborah uses the arms and toroso animations. Both sisters have most of their body static, and have no facial animations as a trade-off to make this mod work. |
Zelda's outfit from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild + Mastercycle
This mod replaces one of Claire's outfits (classic jacket) with Zelda's outfit from The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. This only replaces the outfit so it keeps the original head models from the game.
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. mod features: - outfit has functional weapon strap for two-handed weapons displayed on the character's back - replaces the radio on her hip with the Sheika Slate from Breath of the Wild The mod also replaces Claire's Harley Davidson Night Train motorcycle with a custom edited version of the Mastercycle from Mario Kart 8. It reuses the wheels from the Night train, most of the Mastercycle was fitted around these wheels. The model edit and object skinning was done in 3ds Max 2014. |
Rachael Ooze from Resident Evil: Revelations
Replace Classic Tanktop Claire (both dirt variations) with Rachael Ooze from RE:Revelations. I made sure to keep the walkie talkie from Claire, and fitted the strap for 2 handed weapons to not clip through the chest.
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. mod features: - Claw arm skinned to Claire's fingers so they move and hold guns |
Katherine Warren replaces Claire - with Facial animations
Katherine Warren, from Resident Evil 2 Remake's Ghost Survivors mode, made playable in the main story of the game replacing Claire (noir costume). The facial model was reimported to the game over Claire's face to create working facial animations, as the facial models don't have compatible facial animations without doing this.
For this mod I had to edit the model to adjust it manually to match it as closely to the head of Claire before skinning it onto Claire's rig. After adjusting the model, it needed to be skinned to Claire's rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Because the faces have a lot more bones than body models, this is a lot more complex mod to fix. Mod features: - Reuses original hair models from Katherine so the mod has hair physics. - Optional version to work with my Katherine - Lara Croft outfit mod |
Katherine Warren - Lara Croft outfit from Tomb Raider Anniversary
Katherine Warren, from Resident Evil 2 Remake's Ghost Survivors mode, wearing Lara Croft's outfit from Tomb Raider Anniversary. The outfit was adjusted to fit Katherine's physique and reuses Katherine's original arms and legs model.
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it manually to fit Katherine's body. The arms and legs were reused from the original character model so they were already in the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake, and only had to make sure the model was fitted to the body. After adjusting the model, it needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Reuses original head and hair models so the mod has full facial animations and hair physics. |
Lara Croft - Tactical Blue & Undercover Poncho from Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Lara Croft replacing Claire Redfield in Resident Evil 2 Remake (replacing the Alternative Jacket and Alternative Tanktop costumes for Claire)
For both of these Lara costumes I had to edit the model to adjust them to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Hair physics on the ponytail, and small parts on the front for the tactical costume. - Alpha masking on hair and eyelashes - 2 handed weapons have a strap fitted for Lara to place weapons on her back - both costumes have a leg holster that correctly places guns in it - Works throughout the whole game with story costume progression turned on |
Samus Aran from Super Smash Bros. for WiiU
Samus Aran replacing Claire Redfield in Resident Evil 2 Remake (replacing the Elza Walker costume for Claire)
For this costume I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. The same process had to be done for the head and hair model. Mod features: - Hair physics on the ponytail - Alpha masking on hair and eyelashes |
Ada Wong cosplaying Shamir from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Ada Wong wearing Shamir's outfit from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This mod replaces Ada's red dress and injured version of the red dress.
For this costume I took the original Shamir model and matched the pose of the model to RE2 Remake's model bind pose, then the chest and arms of Ada's original red dress model were adjusted to fit with the outfit. After adjusting the model, it needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. I also had to Unwrap UVs to fit Shamir's textures onto Ada's texture file. Mod features: - Full facial animations in Leon's scenario, as the model uses Ada's original face - Works throughout the whole game with story costume progression turned on |
Ada Wong - Super Serious Bunny Spy
Ada Wong wearing a bunny suit. This mod replaces Ada's red dress and injured version of the red dress.
For this costume I took a bunny suit model from Dead or Alive adjusted the model to fit Ada's physique, on top of that I matched the model to the pose of the model to RE2 Remake's model bind pose, the chest and arms of Ada's original red dress model were kept for the outfit. After adjusting the model, it needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. I also had to Unwrap UVs to fit the new outfit textures onto Ada's texture file. The original model had a black bodysuit, but to better match Ada I recoloured the costume to red. Mod features: - Full facial animations in Leon's scenario, as the model uses Ada's original face - Works throughout the whole game with story costume progression turned on |
Lara Croft - Jacket and Grey Henley costumes from Rise of the Tomb Raider
Lara Croft replacing Claire Redfield in Resident Evil 2 Remake (replacing the Jacket and Tanktop costumes for Claire)
For both of these Lara costumes I had to edit the model to adjust them to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Hair physics on the ponytail, and small parts on the front. - Alpha masking on hair and eyelashes - Necklace for the henley costume has physics on the charm (not for jacket costume) - 2 handed weapons have a strap fitted for Lara to place weapons on her back - Henley costume has a leg holster that correctly places guns in it - Works throughout the whole game with story costume progression turned on (No facial animations due to modding tool limitations) |
Albert Wesker - Uroboros form from Resident Evil 5
Uroboros form Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5 replacing RE2 Remake's Mr. X.
For this mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake, but I also had to combine the mutated arm into one model and combine the model with the body model. This process also required texture editting and UV mapping. After adjusting the model to the RE2 bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Mr. X's hat replaced with Wesker's sunglasses so they can be shot off his face, - Voice lines these were taken from RE5, and edited in Premiere Pro CS6 and Audacity (To mod them into RE2R, WWise was used to convert audio files to the correct format) - Mutated tentacle arm skinned to Mr. X's arm so it is correctly animated (Theme music modded by modder Archerpz) |
S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team members - Resident Evil HD Remaster versions
Some of Alpha team's finest members return to Raccoon City. Barry Burton, Jill Valentine and Captain Albert Wesker in their S.T.A.R.S. costumes from Resident Evil HD Remaster.
For all of these costumes I had to edit the models to adjust them to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. For Barry and Wesker I had to edit the vertecies of the arms to make them aligned correctly with the skeleton. After adjusting the models to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Alpha masking on hair and eyelashes for Jill - 2 handed weapons have a strap fitted for Jill to place weapons on her back - Barry and Wesker both have 2 handed weapons placed on their back correctly when not using them (No facial animations due to modding tool limitations) |
Trucker Wesker
This is one of the first mods I made for RE2R and it is one of my favourites. The idea came from seeing the true ending cutscene in the game where the trucker flips off Leon and Claire. I thought it'd be a very funny sight if instead of some random guy it was Wesker flipping them off and leaving Raccoon City driving a truck.
I spent a lot of time making the mod in the early days of modding and over time I have made various revisions to this mod. I manually adjusted the model to the RE2 bind pose, then the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually edited the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. |
Princess Camilla (Maid outfit) from Fire Emblem Warriors
Camilla from Fire Emblem Warriors in the "Nohrian Maid" outfit. This outfit has some complex geometry for skinning with the skirt and the feathers at the bottom of the skirt. Another thing I did for this mod was take the gloves and fit them to Ada's hands from RE2 to make the skinning process easier.
For this mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake After adjusting the model to the RE2 bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. the mod can be used as a replacement of either Ada or Claire (or both) and has partial hair physics (only on the longer parts on the front of the hair) the skirt is skinned to the legs and is animated but doesn't have physics. |
Rachael Foley & Gina Foley - Costume pack
Rachael and Gina Foley from Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2. For Rachael I have modified some existing outfits from Rebecca from Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster. The outfits I have modified are Rebecca's Nurse and Team Wesker costumes.
For all of these costumes I had to edit the models to adjust them to the bind pose used by the character models of RE2Remake. After adjusting the model to this bind pose, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake character rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - Hair physics on the bottom of the hair. - 2 handed weapons displayed on the back for the Nurse costume only - All costumes in the costume pack are compatible with each other and can be installed at the same time. you can switch between the costumes using the in-game costume select feature. (No facial animations due to modding tool limitations) |
Rebecca Chambers - Claire Retexture & Model Edit - Resident Evil 0 HD based
The first version of the mod was made before the model editing tools became available publicly. By editing the textures of Claire's Jacket and Tanktop costumes I tried to make Claire look like Rebecca from Resident Evil 0.
This mod retextures Claire to make her look like Rebecca, and with some help from modder Zealot Tormunds I was able to give her a hairstyle that resembles Rebecca's hair. The mod works for the Jacket and Tank top costumes for Claire, and has two options available when downloading. One version has hair physics enabled and the other version has them disabled. there is also a standalone version available of the S.T.A.R.S. jacket for Claire without the hair edit. When updated model tools became available that allowed modifying the head models I redid this mod as a V3.0 that included Rebecca's head with fully functional facial animations. Fixing the character skinning on the face was a difficult task. As of Jan 10th 2020 this is the only RE2 Remake mod I have done this for. |
Video is of the V0.9 version of the mod, before the initial release |
Resident Evil 2 Remake - 3D Weapon Mods:
As with the character mods I have taken existing 3D models of weapons and edited them to fit to existing weapon rigs, after which I have skinned these weapons to these existing rigs. All of these mods were made for the PC version of the respective games only.
Resident Evil 4 - TMP Replaces The MQ11
For this weapon mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to fit the bind pose used by the original weapon model in RE2Remake. I also had to combine all the textures the model had into one, and reallign the UVs of the model to this new texture file.
After adjusting the model to the correct bind pose/position, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake weapon rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: - model is visually altered when combining the upgrades (extended magazine, and the Supressor with stock) - fully animated: the magazine can be removed when reloading, the trigger moves when pulled, the slider moves when firing |
Resident Evil 6 - Crossbow replaces the Spark Shot
For this weapon mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to fit the bind pose used by the original weapon model in RE2Remake. I also had to combine all the textures the model had into one, and reallign the UVs of the model to this new texture file.
After adjusting the model to the correct bind pose/position, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake weapon rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. After the initial release I also made an alternative version replacing the grenade launcher instead of the Spark Shot Mod features: - compatible with weapon upgrade (high voltage condensor) which visually changes the look of the weapon - trigger animated when the weapon is fired |
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Chicago Typewriter replaces LE5
For this weapon mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to fit the bind pose used by the original weapon model in RE2Remake. I also had to combine all the textures the model had into one, and reallign the UVs of the model to this new texture file.
After adjusting the model to the correct bind pose/position, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake weapon rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. Mod features: fully animated: the drum can be removed when reloading, the trigger moves when pulled, the slider moves when firing and when the gun is reloaded |
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - RPG-7 replaces ATM
For this weapon mod I had to edit the model to adjust it to fit the bind pose used by the original weapon model in RE2Remake. I also had to combine all the textures the model had into one, and reallign the UVs of the model to this new texture file.
After adjusting the model to the correct bind pose/position, the model needed to be skinned to the RE2Remake weapon rig. For this 3DS Max 2014 was used, using the "Skin wrap" and "Skin" tools. After using the Skin Wrap, the skinning had to be corrected where needed, for this I manually editted the skinning by adjusting the vertex weights in the "Skin" modifier. |